The Journey of joy Happiness and Positivity: My second Home AMAL Academy
In the journey of life, the most important thing that can happen to you are the friends that are hard earned. Like a light at the end of a tunnel, friends are the reward you get when you stick to your commitments. Amal has granted me such friends and mentors. Hard earned and unforgettable. This is the universe I have been part of for last 3 months and This may we ended it.
The last session and probably last time I was seeing some of them. Very different and very groomed than 3 months ago. the journey was full of lessons and I have found myself enjoying each lesson.
I remember I missed 2 sessions and one day Ma’am Iqra called me, that called made me so gloomy just thinking that I am going to be a dropout, I was not ready for that. I reached her back and asked her if I am being removed from program. I promised myself that day to be consistent and always ready to learn.
And now I am completing my fellowship with lots and lots of memories and a bunch of great friends. My last session was the most emotional one. All I was thinking that day was how am I going to spend my weekends and what would I be doing without them.
What Amal has transpired in us has changed the way we think now. And now wish that I should have done this earlier. the opportunities that I missed earlier would have taken me to far by now. but as in AMAL we say, Stay positive and #jutsStart.
The journey with not ended but have transformed into a life long relationship, as tey have taught us Now its time to take our first solo flight.